Final Product


Mission : “To democratise and provide, easy access and best financial advices to everyone.”

According to Nudge one indication that people need the help is that most people spend very little time on this important financial decision. One survey found that 58% spend less than one hour determining both their contribution rate and investment decisions. most people spend more time than that picking a new tennis racket or TV set.


I present to you AIVI, your very own Personal Financial AIvisor(Advisor), this is an ecosystem which connects all of your financial undertaking by simple installation and presents to your everything just one touch away. Just like a finical advisor would you will have access to all the new recommendation, advises on how to save, invest or make better use of your cash. TIME is valuable commodity and that it provides you all of these opportunities like an financial advisor would on one touch. It also helps you compare different offers, tactics and strategies to make better use of your savings and investments.

Key features :

  • Personal Financial AIVISOR (advisor)
    • Ease of investments in different opportunities according to your risk level.
    • Ease of savings and offers you behavioural design plus tactics and strategies to make best use of your saving
    • Weekly tips and recommendations according to your behaviour and your current Approaches.
    • Intuitive design that allows you to access your key financial behaviour and status at the touch of the button.
    • An ecosystem that connects all of your disparate financial accounts and activity.




I started this project with vague idea of what my final product could be. During my research I kept my project as open as possible as this could help me explore and find wide variety of ideas that I could potentially execute. During my research I found number of different problems and needs that customers wanted. Further that I thought of creating different for of systems such as a platform, ecosystem, systems etc that could all potentially solve this issues. On top of that I also look for ways such as

  • Policies
  • New disruptive technologies
  • Humane touchpoints
  • connections
  • Bettering existing solutions

After all these different approaches I came up with my final product which is a simple Financial AI Advisor and also a ecosystem that connects all your financial undertaking and presents to you one single ecosystem. I found that the problem nowadays is that there are to many competing product which is making everything disparate and making it difficult for the consumers on top of already difficult jargons and approaches in financial complexity. This was one of the KEY reason for people to be put off…so merging all of the key behaviour that consumer undertake with their banks and making investing, saving options simple and intuitive plus gaining tips.

This system has solutions for my target market which is young adults 18 – 30 and older generation who should feel comfortable with this form of technology. During my mock up presentation and discussion with potential users, I received amazing feedback and that they will “100% use” this if it was available.


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