FMP – Initial research and experimentation

For my final project I wanted to create something that people could interact with. I hence conceptualised 3 ideas for the potential project

  1. Interactive AI project :
    1. I initially started with this idea and did a brief research and conceptualisation in this area of field. After few user testing with the idea, I came into conclusion that this would be an interesting project to take forward but before I did it I wanted to test my other interests. I will not be going into details about this idea as I will be doing this in the future. From he screenshots below you can understand that I was building a research and project based on this concept ablit I decided to put this one off for the future due to personal reasons. Screen Shot 2018-02-04 at 16.14.11
      1. Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 15.01.24Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 15.01.30
      2. Mobile based solution : FINANCE
        1. For my second idea I came up with a idea to solve existing problems that I found during my earlier research from thesis and first project. The idea is some related to education but executed in very interesting ways. I was really driven to solve this project and it would have been an interesting project but when I calculated the time it would take for me to execute the would need at least 6 months if the process with smoothly without bugs. There was other ways of making this happen but it would have been highly risky and not related to my interests. I did check physical way I could communicate this concept but this would have not been the best way to execute the idea hence I have put this idea on my to do list for the future when I will have necessary resources and skills to execute it to this full potentials. Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 15.16.59Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 15.18.16

I put the first one on hold incase the third idea was not possible as a back up, and on my next blog post you can view the process I went through for my third idea which I choose to research and take further for my FMP.

Analysis of  initial ideas 

The next step of the process, I will be experimenting and analysing which ideas can be executed according to the system. There after I plan to build a Prototype during the end of the weekend.

Project status : Experimentation, Experimentation prototypes and Secondary research near complete 

Development as a research : This approach is something I came across during my short collaboration with friend who is a developer while developing apps. Its very similar to lean approach but I have adapted it according to design requirement. The key for me is that I already have many ideas that can be executed which I will probably need to back up with some primary research but as of this moment secondary research backs it up. The main reason I utilised this approach is due to the complexity of the project and also the lack of prior knowledge in Augmented Reality.

In this process, I created and played around with some different prototypes. The key with this approach in development is that, the logic from one project can work on the other. Second, advantage is that you get real estimates of what is possible and what is not possible and this can used as research for context, technicality and the concept.

This part is almost over and it has been successful as I believe I have now the ability to complete what I initially set out to do, if not then have the assets to execute the ideas in number of other ways.

Positives : Research, have number of ready products that can work and be potentially adapted to the final project, Insights, successful understanding of the what I can build, few prototypes that can be adapted to my project.

Negatives : Risky, time consuming, difficult if you lack technical understanding. 

Idea Analysis

In this part I will be analysing all my ideas and then write down why choose to go with particular one. For me the key categories right now are in (NOTE: The key detailed analysis has been done in my personal notebook which I would like to keep private as I might be using it in future projects…) 

  • Functional + counter culture + Aesthetics  : I like the idea its simple and executable, but the accuracy of execution will not be technically possible so it will be a prototype with conceptual underpinning and a bit of speculation around 1-3 years when AR glasses are adapted by main stream consumers. 
    • Key issues : The problem with this is a I will need to use a different software and integrating it will be a problem. Secondly the problem is that the image recognition via AR is quite weak and hence there will be few flaws within he design. Hence, it will be a prototype with a conceptual underpinning and little bit of speculation. I have not researched such ideas exists of yet.
  • EducationAR is of course set to be one of the best tool for education in the future. 
    •  There are so many approaches here. I have few ideas here butt he problem mainly lies on the creation of 3D assets..This is my fall back AR idea if the first one does work.
  • Information : Final fall back options 
    • I have some interesting ideas here, this will be my final fall back option as the 3d aspect will not be as difficult as it needs to be
  • Kids : Final fall back options 
    • AR can also be used with many other ideas for children…another fall back options.
  • Travel and Tourism
    • for future projects
  • Entertainment
    • for future projects
  • Others : future projects…


Needs refinements….Also I need to arrange a meeting with someone for the industry to understand the critical aspect. 


Finally, I am not going to details about the ideas and concepts but what I have come to realisation is that it will not be accurate but very possible will need to be half prototype for highly conceptual ideas as the technology is still in early stages. The other experimentation that I had also made me realise that if all else fails I can adapt those experiments and build on it. This is the key reason I am starting to like this development as research process, should have done it before..



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