FMP: Augmented Reality and Mixed reality research


Image result for mixed reality brief history


According to Apps CEO Tim Cook, it will take some time for AR to get to the acceptable phase but once we reach that scale. AR experiences will be integral part of our everyday lives and that it will be similar to our iPhones or even eating 3 meals a day. (Apple, 2016)


So what is augmented reality then? As is the case for virtual reality, several formal definitions and classifications for augmented reality exist (e.g., [109, 110]). Some define AR as a special case of VR; others argue that AR is a more general concept and see VR as a special case of AR. We do not want to make a formal definition here, but rather leave it to the reader to philosophize on their own. The fact is that in contrast to traditional VR, in AR the real environment is not completely suppressed; instead it plays a dominant role. Rather than immersing a person into a completely synthetic world, AR attempts to embed synthetic supplements into the real environment (or into a live video of the real environment)

Brief history 

The concept of Augmented Reality has been around for quite sometime like many technologies but its been bursting into mainstream scene in recent years due to the hardware and software maturity. You can view the infographics below for more information.

The History of Augmented Reality

Now with the massive investments from two of the biggest companies in the world it is set to be penetrate our lives in number of ways. Currently, most AR are used via smart phone which is the most used device.

There are already number of use cases for AR and this is set to increase once the hardware technology matures which is set to happen as there have been lots of substantial rumours regarding Apple who is already one of the front runner in innovating this technology making numerous investment into different types of hardware that can be utilised with AR. With IOS devices such as iPhone, iwatch so popular, they are setting for AR to be key in everyday users life. As stated by Apple CEO Tim Cook in above quote ” AR experiences will be integral part of our everyday lives and that it will be similar to our iPhones or even eating 3 meals a day.” (Apple, 2016) Similar moves are also being made by google who are at the forefront of this technology with their android based ARcore and Tango.

Why did I choose AR? 

I have massive interest in this field and currently would like to investigate as to how we can use this technology to better user’s life. I understand that this is a quite a vague question that can encompass many aspect of their lives, but whats most important for me in this project is that I am able to make a working prototype for my final FMP. So accordingly, instead of jumping into one of the ideas and vision that I have for this project. I will initially experiment whats possible and adapt my idea accordingly.


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Mixed reality (MR), sometimes referred to as hybrid reality, is the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time. Mixed reality takes place not only in the physical world or the virtual world, but is a mix of reality and virtual reality, encompassing both augmented reality and augmented virtuality via immersive technology.”



The term Mixed Reality is often used interchangeably with Augmented Reality (AR) or Augmented Virtuality (AV). But there is a difference between AR and AV, which can be explained by the so-called Reality-Virtuality (RV) Continuum. This concept was first introduced by Milgram [2], who generally defines a Mixed Reality environment as being “anywhere between the extrema of the RV Continuum”, where the Reality-Virtuality extends from the completely real to the completely virtual environment with AR and AV in between


Most existing experimentation tools strictly separate reality and virtuality. Accordingly it is not possible to establish mixed experimentation settings. The reason for this is manifold. First of all it is not easy to combine arbitrarily virtual lab equipment (simulated components) with real equipment to provide a running mixed experimentation environment, because a seamless connection between both worlds has to be implemented. In most cases such interfaces between virtual and physical lab components do not exists and there are no standards available, which describe the bidirectional information flow across real and virtual boundaries in a unified method. As reality may be the continuation of virtuality or vice versa a general dynamic system approach seems to be necessary.


Past weeks 

  • Previous research
    • Past weeks have been spent in researching in other projects and setting of potential alternatives if this project were to fail. I spent this time in research AI and Finance app concept and testing to get accurate prediction as to how long it would take for me to execute it.
  • Previous research and experimentation 
    • I have research and experimented with number of different AR apps and AR tools. I have intensely focus on learn ARkit for IOS as my aim for this project is not only to have a good concept but also create a product that can be used. During this experimentation I have found that I am able to create the prototype in the amount of time left. I still have to go the 3D aspect of the experimenting phase but there has been very positive news so far from my research and experimentation in AR.
  • Week 2
    • Experimentation, research and ideation phase : In this phase I will be narrowing my experiments and research process then formulate the idea according to my 3 research in users, technical aspect and creative aspect.
    • Towards the end of the week I will creating sketches for the prototype oft he project and start to set foundation to build the app.
  • Week 3
    • Building and testing phase :
      • I plan to have a solid direction by this time and get unto building the actual product.
  • Week 4
    • Due to the unpredictability of the project I set myself vague deadlines according to timeline. With these sort of projects you can never accurately estimate what will sometimes thing ago smoothly and finish early sometimes it bugs will come up which can require tons of time etc. Hence from here on my plan to TEST -> Build and constantly refine.
    • Until I have a solid reasoning to make changes or where the projects can go. My aim for this week forward is of course to keep moving the project forwards.
  • Week 5, 6, 7
    • Build + Test
  • Week 8
    • Final builds and tests  refinement
  • Week 9 and 10
    • preparation for submission.




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