FMP : Initial Problems and solutions and contextual research and analysis

Problem 1 : Reaching technical limitations 

It can let you down sometimes…thats exactly what happened today. First I tested with horizontal detection which worked excellently but unfortunately with VERTICAL detection it failed because it seems Apple have not managed to solve the problem yet…….and so now…How do I rescue this project? 

Screen Shot 2018-03-08 at 14.38.50

Solution : creative way to integrate and customise around it but this needs to be tested.

After a bit of research and asking my friend, I found a solution to this problem but one thing is for sure is that it will not be what it could be. Due to this reason, I might have to take another path and other ideas. Its a shame because I was really passionate about this project and could have been a good one for a exhibition. Unfortunately, with technology sometimes there are limitations specially the ones that are currently being worked on. I will know in full details once I have tested and experimented with the new solutions for which I will need to download new software etc. All these will take time plus has potential to conflict with my old codes, so I will be doing this in the future.

Problem 2 :  No AR headset in the university

The beauty with AR is that its augmented unto reality rather than taking suers out of the reality itself into its own new world. This is why I wanted to try these new ideas unto this project. Unfortunately, it seems the university do not have AR glasses that could work with my project which are Microsoft Hololense etc. This will put limitation in the communication of my idea, hopefully I can mitigate it by trying to borrow it or just present it as a concept. Of course this an also be used via mobile which will be a bonus.

Solution : potential borrowing or just conceptual presenting with mobile doing the experience 

Problem 3 : Technical project

Once again because I am focusing not technical aspect out of interest and also out wanting to build it. My worries right now is that it might not be a good quality output as I have envisioned it. I still have time to work on this and will know how to creatively mitigate this when I get the fighter in this process..

Of course I could drop the technical if I needed to and just focus and design but the reason I choose this project is to be able to have a loop feedback where I could work on both design and development! This will also help be get a realistic idea rather than some conceptual project.

Solution : Will try to push the idea technically as far as I can…. of course the option of dropping is there but It seems likely that I will not need to do that with so many variety of ways available to execute it. 

Lastly : Ideas

I have come up with many ideas but with AR being so new.. technically implementable ideas is what I recently moved towards and bran stormed on. This aspect is difficult as I need to do technical research side by the ideas which I have consistently done. Now with the list of ideas I  have I need to come to decision as to which path to take. I am still giving myself until this weekend to finish experimenting and researching for a definite ideas. But to narrow the ideation and brainstorming process I need to focus nohow to pick an idea and for that I have decided to create a check list which is a rough sketch below, I will be adding more variations in the future but I will need to consider these angles

  1. Most likely no AR glass
  2. Most likely a mobile interaction
  3. Context …etc…
  4. Need to reduce time and number requirement on 3D assets
  5. Further that I need to think of Animation  and other aspect of visual rep and which ideas require them and which doesn’t
  6. With AR being new there will be technical limitations that I will come across
  7. This newness will also impact on the performance of the actual app/prototype.. so I have to take this into consideration as well..
  8. further I will add in a refined manner….in the future……,………

Solution : Build a check list kind of system and consider the context etc…before deciding on what to actually build/which path to take not the final project. 







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