FMP : Why FITAR? + Fitness and User research


Vision : My main vision for this project is to have a Personal Trainer available by AR and ML using AR glasses. This enables new way of working out as never seen before, also offers accessibility to everyone across the world with an access to mobile and AR glass which is set to be like mobiles after 2020 -2021.


  • Interaction : On the press of a button you have a personal trainer who with the ability of ML vision can track your movements, Headphones leading to feedback and motivations and AR to show you the correct way of executing the exercises. This is my vision for the future 360 interaction! For now I just created an app which displays in AR as a prototype to the bigger vision.


  • Personal : AR as being a early exiting I was super exited to be able to not only conceptualise a vision or a project but actually be able to make and build on the idea. Its a fascinating and growing field which I believe is set to transform the way we interact with technologies and in essence changing our behaviour and culture. This also creates numbers of new opportunities to solve many problems we currently face.


  • Conceptual : There are massive number of people who are uneducated about fitness and the correct way to do exercises and also there are number of people who try to work out but due to lack of accessibility to correct facilities, education or knowledge they end up injuring themselves sometimes for life. I believe AR can be a massive game changer not only in solving this problem but also bringing in a new experiential way of working out. The demographics can range from young kids to older people according to the theme that the AR application can offer.




Interview one 

Introduction : Sohil who studies and LSBU and one of the potential users for this sort of idea.




For this project, I adopted a new hobby of fitness, I decided to go gym routinely and also work out during busy schedule to step into user’s shoes and learn different variants of work outs and all the system and processes.



Visiting the gym classes and trying different variation of work out they have and asking users for potential fitness variations.



During this process, I learnt that the fitness users I was aiming for would need a different type of system than your everyday work outs and normal apps. A fitness routine that would work out all for he key aspect of the fitness. For this I had a conversations with fitness instructor to decide which fitness routine would be best suited to be added in the app.


This was the notes I took and decision to make on which exercise would best me suited for 20 minute blast work out. I also researched on various fitness journals to which 20 mins work out regime would help user achieve required goal.


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Attended various workshops to learn about MVPs and discuss with potentials of AR.



  • Universal Methods of Design (Bella Martin and Bruce Hanington, 2012)

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