FMP : Finalising the concept and Experiments with AR


Concept ONE : “AI and Interaction plus Aesthetics” : Worked but I have stronger interests in something else.

Concept Two : Initially discarded due to time estimation problems but now seems to become a viable option.

Concept THREE : “Counter culture + AR + Aesthetics” Experiments worked but not as good as I hoped, hence I had to make a decision to either, take it out of its current path or continue and potentially different kind of track.

Why did I drop this project(for now)?

In my experiment I found that it failed at key stage where it would have made an difference and this was due to the technical limits of current technologies such as lack of AR glasses in reach for main stream consumers, lack of technical implementation of this new way of approach as this something new to be released by Apple some time this year. Lastly, during this experimentation phase and research of the project, I found out that the project had potential for interesting speculative project but for personal reason, I did not want to conduct a distant speculative project. I will of course be creating this project in the future, when AR glasses has been widely available and accessible. 

Concept two :

During my research, I realised yes concept two is quite a big task and if I approached this idea the way I initial set out to be would be take lots of time but after all the exploration and experimentation with Concept Three mention above. I have come across many new ideas that can be applied to this concept. Another reason for going back to this concept is that with this idea, I predict I will be able to create something that do not need all the complexity of Concept Two and also if I adapt it accordingly might actually become something useful in current scenario. I will add my research etc. in the future…

On FMP timeline. :

I am on the timeline, I initially set out for its going to be a complicated project with high learning curve that I would have dropped under other circumstances but due to my interests in this field and potential summer works with similar work. I believe it should not be a big problem.  Above all else I am not that worried as with all my experimentations that projects has kept moving forward and these assets and codes that I have build can be used for my final project.


This is turning out to be the most complicated project I ever undertook specially due to the newness of this field and many of the complicated problem still remain unsolved…using what exists and creating something out of it is going to be a lot of hard work and complicated process.

  1. Technical complexity, conceptual underpinning into a model that can be build has been a difficult process but my earlier technical research is proving vital for me as to ground me into reality. As it is so easy to get lost in the world of possibility and technical refinements later could have been poor for the project itself.
  2. My research, approaches and finding are slowly coming together all this should help during this process of uncertainty and eventual out come of the project.
  3. Since narrowing the concept and finalising it, its been good  a steady process. Either way my estimation is that this will be a tough project to build but if things go to plan it should be worth it for FMP and on the long run.





Testing the placements of AR in real environment and how it could potentially interact with its users. It was successful, in the picture the height and the floor placement was hit and miss. 



Testing the placements of AR in real environment. In this test I had to check the heights etc. 


Testing the tracking method of AR and its accuracy, Unfortunately had to drop it as it was not as good and as accurate as you would want in a product.


In this experiment I tested writing in 3D world and users could potentially use it. This was a successful experiment and in the future I find create a app where you can write in 3D



Due to the complexity of the technical details within the project, I had to take this path of rapid experimentation and development. For this process to happen, including design research I had to take the MVP approach, where I create MVP and test.


Second test of 3D writing in AR, In these test I learn the vital process of hit test and getting fleck back from the screen. This would be vital later on in the process where the interaction between the reality and mobile screen would be understood.


This was second experimentation where I was testing the 3D models and creation of how things could be created with Xcode and AR, unfortunately for complicated project like fitness it would only add extra layers of complexity and make things even worse.


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